08 February 2009

Sad Recession Time

So that title is probably not what is expected in my blog, even I think I should write something else... but this must be said!
So as I drove past a Milestone's today, I looked inside at the low-lighting, the leather(esque) bench seats, the diners dining and the generally cozy atmosphere, and it made me realize how little I have been eating out lately. I was a little sad to realize that my high life isn't quite so high as it was just six months or a year ago. Shall I blame the recession? Well, why not.
So many things have changed for me in the last year (jobs, jobs and more jobs!), and I supposed I could blame my lifestyle changes on that. But I won't. I'm going to blame that ever-useful scapegoat, the recession!
As well, by this time next weekend I'm sure I will have spent a little time in one of those cozy, dimly-lit chain restaurants that I love so much. Having a glass of wine and splitting an appy with one of my lovely friends. I can hardly wait!

01 February 2009

Condo Gardener

I'm no hard-core gardener, but I can still appreciate all the awesome gardening stuff at Hollyfield's on Granville Island (hollyfields.ca). Whether you want a skinny vase for your lucky bamboo, a wrought-iron door knocker, or a new trowel, they'll have it.
I have a few potted plants in my apartment, and I love them, but I don't think I could ever manage a whole yard. Hollyfield's makes me wish that I had acreage that I could fill with plants, statues, fountains and flowers. Luckily for me, a lot of their stuff can be used indoors, too.
If I had an unlimited decoration budget, I'm sure there would be a fountain in my living room, a giant Buddha statue by my front door, and a crystal ball on my coffee table. Another item that tempts me every time I go in is the giant glass jewel. One day, I will find a way to fit it into my decorative scheme. Until then, I will just go browse and imaging all the lovely things I could do with a giant garden and unlimited budget.